Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Home Sick!

I felt like crap yesterday! I was at work and I would feel like I was going to pass out if I didn't sit down right away. I called the dr and they said come in, so in I went at the end of the day (It got me out of the staff meeting that lasted until 5:30-Yeah!). I ended up seeing the dr who yelled at me about weight at the end of my first trimester. She made me feel really guilty, but I guess she does that to everyone as she is a health nut. She didn't say anything this time because I lost a half pound since my last visit- weird! Of course my BP and urine was fine, and Annabelle's heartbeat was nice and strong (in between the hiccups and the kicking, that is!) But she told me I should stay home and rest today because maybe I'm coming down with something. I am feeling pretty congested and just overall crappy. So here I am, sitting at home, enjoying the time away from work.

Of course, the nap on the couch was interrupted when I saw the wasp flying around the room! Actually, it was crawling on the floor, so I thought, maybe it's half dead and I can smash it with Matt's sandal that is on the floor. But of course as soon as I got up, it started flying around the room! Ahhh! I hate bugs! I texted Matt to tell him and he said it wouldn't kill me, but what if it has a bunch of friends and they all come out and start flying around??? Maybe I should lock myself in my room until he comes home to kill it! Nah! I can be tough! I'm gonna be a mom soon, so I better learn to kill bugs on my own, right?

My mom and sisters will be here in 2 days! I'm very excited about that! I'm working on a little photo album with belly pics and ultrasound pics to bring to the shower to show everyone. Guess I can go lie in bed and work on that- there are no wasps in my room (that I know of anyways), so maybe I won't feel like I have bugs crawling over every inch of my body!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hi everyone! I am starting this blog so people without facebook can see what's going on with us! Right now, we are counting down the days (58) until Annabelle Marie should arrive! Of course she could come early or late, so the countdown is really just a guestimate of when she will be here.

The room is pretty much ready for her, minus a few diapers and a diaper pail! Matt just painted it pink yesterday and it looks really cute! I'll take updated pictures once we get the clock and shelf up, so for now the pictures show the before-the-pink.

I went to a free 3-d ultrasound event yesterday (yes, another one, so that makes 3 that I've been to). The woman who plans these events knows my name and told my friend that I've been to every event she's organized- and she's right! At least in the last 7 months! I can't help it, baby events are so much fun! You get to see the cool things that different local stores have to offer and get free stuff. The last one I went to was when they took the belly photos and then I won a $30 gift card to Kangaroo Kids- a really cool resale shop.

The shower is in 2 weeks and my mom and sisters are coming so that is exciting! My mom will get to paint something fun on my belly like she did for Alison and we can set everything up in the nursery so it's even more ready for Annabelle!

Matt is talking about M&M's, caramel and ice cream right now- I think we may have to go buy that because now Annabelle wants some!